Words from Jaminnia R. States, BA African American Studies; Anthropology, Howard University, 2010 

Created by Florie 12 years ago
Mark Mack was a great professor and mentor. He was dedcated to rigorously challenging the minds of his students as well as treating the history and culture of African people with respect and dignity. He was all tough love and his students loved him for it. I know I did. He used to give us a quiz on the first day of class, to fill in the countries of Africa. He'd give extra credit for each right answer and tell us that everyone should have scored high because what sort of student, especially a Black student, doesn't know where we all come from? He helped me to understand race, racism, scientific racism, the body and humanity in a way that my Africana Studies program never could. His classes and command of the knowledge were nothing short of awe inspiring. He made everything I learned in physical anthropology so interesting and relevant, it was one of the biggest reasons I stuck with a major course of study I otherwise could not stand. Even though I so far have not used the degree in my professional undertakings, the life lessons I learned from being a student in his class are what I use the most. Most importantly, he taught me that my life is in my hands a result of my decisions, to stand by those decisions and to always, always do my best work. He was a great teacher and mentor. He will be sorely missed. I know they know this but he firecely loved his family more than anything and not a day went by in class that he didn't fondly mention them. They were his reason for living and I hope not a day goes by that they ever ever doubt it. ~*Peace&Blessings&:)Smiles*~